At Fort Worth Electric, safety is more than a policy manual and a list of do’s and don’ts required by government regulators. Our commitment to safety starts at the very top. The senior managers of the company have direct input in the development of our safety program and practices. From leading safety training sessions at shop meetings to reinforcing the company’s commitment to work site safety requirements on field visits, the senior managers walk the walk as well as talk the talk.
The safety of each Fort Worth Electric employee and of all other job site personnel is of utmost personal importance to the management team. We know that constant vigilance and positive reinforcement of the importance of a safe work site are necessary to avoid time or monetary pressures leading to unsafe practices and conditions. We work hard to keep haste or greed from interfering with the safety of our employees.
As part of our effort to maintain a safe work environment, we maintain a clearly documented safety program, which is communicated to all new team members and reviewed periodically with all employees. We emphasize a commitment to a ‘Zero Accident’ goal on all projects. In addition, we are committed to a drug-free work place and enforce a ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy to drug and alcohol use on the job through mandatory pre-employment drug screening as well as random and mandatory post-accident testing.
The company provides and requires the use of appropriate safety equipment on all projects at all times. In addition, our personnel are trained in electrical safety, first aid and CPR on a regular basis through planned training sessions and at monthly shop safety meetings. Site supervisors conduct weekly job-site safety meetings on all jobs sites as well. At the onset of a new project, a safety pre-task planning review is conducted and all personnel assigned to that project go through an on-site safety orientation addressing specific project conditions and hazards.
This review is repeated with any team members who may be assigned to the project subsequent to start up. Our Safety Coordinator conducts random site inspections to identify potential safety hazards and implement procedures and training to adequately remove or manage them. All personnel are briefed on the proper procedures to follow during an OSHA site inspection and are trained to coordinate all activities through the project general contractor to ensure a thorough and collaborative cooperation with inspectors.